Tuesday 30 November 2010

Equipment and Technologies

In order to produce our music video we will be using the following equipment and technology.
  • Motion Camera (possibly also a Tripod)
  • Final Cut Express (for editing purposes)
  • possible use of Green Screen and Chroma Key
Considering the basis of our music video is a party I thought it may be a good idea to use some professional party lights and possibly a smoke machine in order to make our party scene look more authentic. we figured this wouldn't be a problem as we knew where we could get our hands on this equipment. Lucky for us I happen to know someone very closely who owns this equipment and is generous enough and willing to let us use this equipment. We are aware of the safety precautions we'd have to take that are involved with the usage of this equipment and we all acknowledge that we would have to be careful so that neither of us get hurt nor our actors when maneuvering around the set. As a team we sat and discussed the prospect of us using these aforementioned equipment and together we decided the smoke machine would be too much and wouldn't give our scene the ambience and atmosphere we want it to have. we came to this as when we thought about it we realised that if we'd have used it it would make it difficult to film our footage as visibility would be poor even on the lowest setting. I know this from experience as i have seen first hand how poor visibility is despite the smoke machine being on the lowest setting and not generating as much as it would on the medium or even high setting. Taking all this on board we have decided not to use the smoke machine however we still hope to use the lights.

We feel that by using the above equipment and technology we can achieve our goal of creating a good music video which be-fits our genre and entertains our audience. We agree that from using this equipment and technologies we will be able maximise our performance and our work.

by using the green screen we hope to create a scene in which our leading male (Imtiaz) gets what he wants and finally reaches our leading lady (Saliah). We feel Final Cut Express is the best editing software for the job of editing our footage as it is better in all aspects in comparison to iMovie as it has better tools and also there's a lot more which we can do with it.  Though we may not use them, there are much more SFX available to us for use. also we feel Final Cut Express is better to use due to it being more sophisticated than iMovie also I personally feel it is easier to use despite it being the more "complicated" piece of software.