Tuesday 23 November 2010

Music Videos of Different Genres

When we think about music videos, we think about the story lines that link to the genre. We also think about the artist being involved in the video, being the main character, having plenty of shots of them.
Most of all we think about how the song relates to to the lyrics and sound of music.

Dance genres, for example, are always linked with having parties/clubbing and having a good time. It relates to the sound and therefore this is our typical response to this genre. They are always shown as being a lot of fun and just enjoying yourself. They are never shown as being stressful or angry, only about haven a good night out. At times they are shown as being tricky when the story line shows a boy looking for the right girl but its always shown as working out right. Many dance songs are to do with love and are only shown in music videos, as they don't have many lyrics but you can get an idea about the video from the sound given e.g being slow yet has base or the title of the song.

On the other hand, R&B is a very hard genre to figure out, it's mainly love songs but with a hint of dance. When people think of R&B they think about the artist rather than the video. For example, when people listen to Rihanna's songs they think about her as a person because a lot of her videos are based on her personality. She has a quirky yet dark edge which is shown in her videos, therefore we find it typical for her to do something different/random and out of the box. Her song "Take a Bow" was very emotional as it was a slow love song, however because it was about breaking up she made the video about leaving a guy.

This linked to the video, however in her other songs such as "Rude Boy" and "Only Girl", we see her relating to the lyrics, however, she has her personality added in, as she is the main character in all of her videos.