Tuesday 9 November 2010

Target Audience...

The audience is from the ages of 15 to the early 20s, we would want the video to be appropriate so we won't be having sexual suggesting scenes, but we are using a love interest so we can  have the realism theme of an r'n'b/dance/hip hop genre.

G - the typical main audience is mixed, however the female audience are more likely to be appealed to the artist as the artist is male.
R - this is for every kind of race as the music genre is popular around the audience age, which means there would be a large amount of people who would be attracted to the artists music.
A - to the ages of 15 to early 20s as these are the typical ages of people who like to party and be social so are more likely to hear this music at clubs or other places of entertainment such as bowling, ice skating etc..
S - people who are socially active and will more likely be out partying, however may not be drinking a lot so the music video doesn't have influences of drink.
S - will more likely be still in education whether it's college or university they may have Saturday jobs to pay for a social life at night.