Friday 19 November 2010

Our filming location...

In regards to choosing a location for our video, as simple as a task it is, it's not been easy for us to actually get one. Since we chose our song we have brainstormed all our possible ideas and we've narrowed it down to one. When finding our location we had a specific idea in mind of what we want out location to be like, what we want the atmosphere of our location to be like etc. this made it easy to come up with ideas of where we'd like to shoot our videos for. Initially we thought of filming our video in the main hall of a local community centre however when inquiring about whether it was possible for us to do so, our luck ran out as it was unavailable till january. Fortunately we had a back up location in mind and so I asked a family member if we could shoot our video in her house. It pays to be the favourite as now we have our location! Hurrah! (pictures to come)