Tuesday 23 November 2010


Unfortunately for us luck hasn't been on our side so far. We aimed to film the majority of our footage over the weekend just gone, as we thought this would be more than enough time to get our footage as we had a 3 day weekend due to monday being a study day for us also we figured it would be a practical, productive and effective way for us to use our study day. (20th Nov - 22nd Nov).  however we were faced with a set back from the very beginning as on the sunday neither Jess nor Saliah or I were able to film on Saturday due to prior commitments which we did not see as a problem as we still had Sunday and Monday. However we were set back once more as on the sunday Jess and I were not well. By monday Jess had not recovered however I had and so me and Saliah were prepared to continue as planned but we were unable to as our actors did not turn up therefore we could not film anything. however we didn't waste our day, we sat and thought of our back up plan. We plan to get our footage this coming thursday and monday as those are the days when we are all available at the same time to get our footage.. and thats is pretty much it for now.