Monday 15 November 2010

Progress Of Location

We have talked to people about the location shots of the music video, talking to the drama teacher about the using of the theatre room, we have discovered it would be impossible to get enough shots for the video. We have planned to look at different locations for the green screen section of the video, it has been decided that we would use a house for the main part of the video. This has actually worked out for the better because we can use the theme of the house party that we analysed from the Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas video and it would look overall better at the end. We have discovered that using the house would mean we can use less people in the video and have more of a crammed full party feel.

Currently doing:
To ensure that we have a good idea on the location we are hopefully using, we have borrowed a camera and tripod so we can get shots of each room. Hopefully this will show a clear indication of the set out of the party from the placing of the artist and love interest to the DJ and DJ equipment. We are also in the process of finding an appropriate location for the last shot were we will be using green screen.