Friday 26 November 2010

Filming - schedules, roles and responsibilities


Our set date was Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd to film our party scene, however due to illness and a family problem with the others in the group we were only able to use the Monday, which unfortunately didn't go to plan. Due to updating a status on Sunday 21st saying that the party was cancelled, extras believed that 22nd would also be cancelled and therefore nobody turned up.
We learnt that by informing everyone to their faces and getting confirmation, it would make it easier to see who we need to expect to turn up. We informed 15-20 people who all agreed that Thursday the 26th at 4 o'clock was an ideal time, it helped because we could all walk down together and so nobody would have any excuses. Although we were planned and focused about this date and time, last minute Zaibaa realised that we would only have 45 minutes to use the location and shoot the footage as she had a doctor's appointment. This then had to be again informed to the extras and we then decided that Monday the 29th at 4 o'clock would be our last and final date and chance. We have about  20-25 people wanting to or definitely attending this party and so we know that there will be enough extras.

Roles and Responsibilities

Camera - Zaibaa
Location - Zaibaa
Extras - Saliah
Green Screen - Saliah, Imtiaz (main character), Jess and Zaibaa
Editing - Zaibaa, Saliah and jess

Zaibaa - make sure that the location, her aunties house, will be free and if her uncle will set up his DJ decks, lights and smoke machine. Also needs to book green screen for a suitable time where we will be able to attend without lessons getting in the way.

Jess - Read through the storyboard and take a look at the kind of shots we need for the party scene, e.g. caned angle, close ups, mid shots, long shots, etc.

Saliah - make a note of the people who want to attend and get them to sign next to their name if they have attended. Also to make sure that the extras know what they will be doing in the scene and for how long. Giving them a job and a timing. Need to inform them about any changes or delays.