Sunday 5 December 2010

Progress.. .. ..

Fortunately for us since our last progression update we've had much more luck as we finally got our party footage. Though Jess wasn't feeling well we decided together that we should press on and get our footage despite her absence, this meant that i was filming on my own as Saliah plays the role of our leading lady in our music video. At first the thought of handling this responsibility didi phase me a little and left me unsure of doing it but as we got into it i found i was ok doing it and I am pleased to say that i feel i managed it well. However all did not go as planned as we did not get to use the lighting equipment which was alittle let down however in retrospect I think it may be good that we didnt as it our footage is clear and it gives our "party" a realistic look as we wouldnt see a party funded by students using professional lighting equipment at a house party. Now all we have left to do is do our last bits of filming with the Green Screen, this may prove to be more difficult than it should be as for us its a matter of timing as we are not all free at the same times so this is definitely something we are working out as we feel that as long as either myself or jess are present to film and saliah and imtiaz are present (lead actors) we should be able to get this done. Editing is proving to be a tricky task as myself, Jess and Saliah are new to Final Cut Express but we are determined to master it and create a video which shows our skills and ideas in the best light. With that being said editing our footage will be easier than getting the Green Screen footage as we can all stay back during workshop hours to edit it which would suit us as then if we need any assistance it will be easier for us to get help from Mike or Nikki (our colleges Media Technicians).