Tuesday 5 October 2010

Hello, hello, hello!

Hi we are Zaibaa, Saliah and Jess and for our coursework we've decided to do the Music Promotion brief. After much thought we've come to decide that our music video will be focusing on a fusion genre. A Fusion Genre is when two or more different genres combine as one to create a different type of music. The fusion genre which we have chosen to focus on is that of R&B and Dance. However our fusion genre is not completely balanced between the two it leans more towards R&B in regards to the lyrics the music itself is of a dance background blended with an R&B feel. We have chosen to do this as from looking at recent chart activity it is becoming quite common that we see music of this mixed genre entering high in the charts.

The song which we originally chose to create a music video is "Sex Light - Marcc Gregory"

we chose this song as we thought it fit well with our fusion genre. It fit well with both sides of it through various elements. For example it fits with R&B due to the lyrics and what the song is about but at the same time it fits in with dance too due to the music itself.

However after much thought we decided to change our song but sticking to the same artist (Marcc Gregory) in order to get the same sort of sound as he specialises in our fusion genre. We decided to change our song as we felt it was a little inappropriate and found that it may be difficult to create a music video which would fit with the lyrics as well as being appropriate to show. 

our target audience is 15 to young adults and  also we feel this song is appropriate to our audience. the new song which we have chosen to create our music video for is "I know - Marcc Gregory". this song is fairly similar in regards to the genre of music, we feel it fits in better with our chosen genre as it has more of a R&B sound to it.