Monday 18 October 2010


There is some good work here, making a solid start to your blog. Here are a few pointers:

  • Jess - Andrew Goodwin post needs to come nearer the start - in the Keane analysis, mention that the anime reference is to a cgi character in the video!Maybe clarify how the features you identify link to the Goodwin ideas a bit more. In the conclusion part, explain how the songs you pick that don't conform to Goodwin are different and assess what this theory/ research implied for your own video.
  • Jess - Lady gaga video - surely it does tell a story that matches the lyrics? It's all about a good party and its aftermath, which is what we see??? Possibly link this and what you find out about the Black-Eyed Peas a bit more to Goodwin's ideas too? You could also do this in your comparison post too e.g. the use of performance and narrative?
  • Saliah - You need to be a bit more specific in your video analyses - try and analyse them in terms of Goodwin and add a bit at the end to consider what you can learn/ apply to your own video - what do these suggest you will need to do? When discussing how a video signals the music genre, you need to give examples of what details actually show this...
  • Zaibaa - you need to add work to this or you will get a very low mark for this section. There is nothing of your work on here yet - where is it?
  • You now need to move on to analyse specific genre conventions for your track and investigate who your audience is and what they like.