Saturday 30 October 2010


Here is some more feedback on your research:

  • Earlier posts already commented on - Jess - why don't you combine the 3 posts on Lady Gaga and Black-Eyed Peas and the comparison together into one - it would flow better? Can be done via cut and paste - see me if you are unsure? You could then add the "what I have learnt" comments right at the end... Also, try to tidy up expression and grammar a bit...; Saliah - You need to clarify your focus at the start of the posts on Rihanna and Usher - are you looking at how music videos work within the RnB genre? If so, put a sentence to this end at the start of each post and at the end, state what you have learnt about music vids in this genre and what you may need to bear in mind... you could also tie this in to Goodwin's ideas about music video codes and conventions to see how RnB videos reflect this or not....
  • Jess - Music Genre - this needs a sentence at the start to tell me why you are looking at this and what you hope to learn from it. Possibly state after the definition of music genre that your group hope to work in the RnB genre; then add the bit about what RnB stands for and where it started - i fits under the music genre section and you could then add a bit more detail about the expected style of music - types of instruments; mood of the songs; type of vocals and  type of things the songs are about. Again, check over expression for accuracy and clarity.
  • Zaibaa - you need to be more specific at the end of the Bieber analysis - what things might you like to emulate from this video? You need to hurry up and complete the second analysis.You also need to state what you are looking for in this video - how rnb operates or how music videos operate, in which case you should apply Goodwin?
Overall - this is nowhere near where it should be - Zaibaa and Saliah, I need to see much more from you. You still need:

  • to state clearly what genre  of music you are going to explore - it seems to vary from r,n,b to hip hop to dance....
  • to identify more conventions of this genre - Jess has started to look at the type of music we link to r'n'b but you need to think about what the artists look like (costume/ clothing/props), locations, song contetn (what do they sing about?), what kind of performances do they give? Use album covers/ images of stars... consider what implications this has for you?
  • to identify and describe your audience - use GRASS and psychographics... consider Uses and Gratifications - do your own surveys and consider what this means for your product
  • Who would fund/produce your video in real life? How would it be made????
  • research into your two ancillary products
  • post on branding

This should all be done by now - it all should be done before your planning. It all feels a little aimless - I'm not sure from this what type of music you are going to make a video for or what you are exploring in each post and why. If there are no improvements of a drastic nature soon, you will be in danger of not completing your work.