Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Analysis Of Music Videos

we have decided to look at the hip hop, dance type of theme for our video. i have decided to analysis two videos which are similar to the ideal theme we are looking to do.

Lady Ga Ga - Just Dance

Lady Gaga's music follows the similar genre we have decided to use for our music video. Lady Gaga's music videos, however doesn't follow her songs in a story form. She has become famous with her outrageous costumes and the videos which don't link with the videos. Just Dance is The video that i am analysing. 

How This Video Can Be Used In Our Video
With this video we see the house party chaos, we are shown that the party appears to be dead until Lady Gaga walks in and everyone 'comes back to life.' We can see that the video has a riot theme and sexual suggestive scenes, which is Lady Gaga taking her top off. Even though we don't wanna have the same sexual suggestive scenes we want to achieve the look of having the artist look important and a life of the party. With doing that it's appropriate, for are audience and still has the appeal of the 'hardcore' party, without having the sleaziness.  

How Andrew Goodwin Theory Is Used 

  • The relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, we see in this video that the video is illustrating the lyrics as we see the party and the removing of clothes and spilling of the drinks. We see that in the lyrics we see the 'turn my shirt inside out' we are shown Lady Gaga taking off her clothes.
  • The relationship between the music and the visuals, we see that everything goes quicker and we see different scenes with jump cuts when the music gets faster.
  • The typical dance type genre which this is, has either a lot of dancing, people which are classed as sexy and we do see this in the video. 
  • There is close ups of the artist at some part of the video, we see shots of Lady Gaga on her own and close ups of her making sexual gestures which shows she is suppose to be the sexy member of the video. 
  • We see Lady Gaga's style throughout the whole video which is wild and crazy. This is shown with the animal print patten on her top she wears and a paddling pool which shows she is crazy with her ideas.  
  • The video, we feel like we are looking at her private life because we are seeing her partying, getting drunk and being flirty towards over people, which is showing she is suppose to be the most sexy member of the party. 

Black Eye Peas - I Got A Feeling

The second video, that i am analysing is I Got A Feeling.  

How This Video Can Be Used In Our Video

The video for I Got A Feeling, is based at a house party. We see a lot of alcohol and chaos being caused and the amount of people there shows that it's almost a riot type of a video.  We are looking to have a wild chaotic look but to have a narrative with it. This video doesn't have the particular narrative, but it does have a story of getting ready for the house party to going to the party. We definitely see that the video and song is aimed for an older teenager to young adult because we see sexual behaviour and even lesbian action. So this couldn't be used because are target audience is around the ages of 15-25, so it isn't appropriate for the younger aged audience. 

How Andrew Goodwin Theory Is Used 

  • The relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, we see in this video that the video is illustrating the lyrics as we see the house party and everyone is having a good time at the party. We see that in the lyrics we see the 'fill up my cup' we are shown drinks being filled up.
  • The relationship between the music and the visuals, we see this in when the song gets faster and more upbeat and we have the artists jumping around and everyone joining in with the movement.
  • The typical dance type genre which this is, has either a lot of dancing, people which are classed as sexy and we do see this in the video. 
  • There is close ups of the artists at some part of the video, we see that the people are important as we have shots of them on their own. We get close up of Fergie's lips which shows that she is classed as the sexy member of the band 
  • The video, we feel like we are looking at their private lives as we see them preparing for the party, we see Fergie in her underwear while she is preparing to go. We see the artists homes and how they live their lives.

Similarities  Of The videos

I Got A Feeling 

  • Both show the being of a parties, showing that the artist (artists) are the important people who are invited to the party, and get the party fully started.
  • Both show a montage of chaos in different rooms, people who are not involved with the artist or artists. This shows that the party is a carefree experience of no responsibility.
  • Both videos are edited quickly to match with the speed of the song. This makes the video more interesting, both filled with editing such as over em posed images or repeating of actions (B.E.P - when drink cup is being moved quickly around it is repeated few times) 
  • Always a hint of sexual activities, Lady Gaga has a few 'suggestive gesture' movements whilst B.E.P have scene of two teenagers or young adults making out, and the guy grabs the girls bum.      
  • The amount of alcohol is a lot which suggests the party is aimed to be a rave and not a nice quiet party, a sense of out of control behaviour. This out of control behaviour is shown with passed out people and the mess of the rooms.  
Just Dance

What i have learned
  • With the analysis of the videos which are the same genre, i have seen the smiler types of conventions, of the video we would like to create. The narrative is a typical preparing for a party to having the party to showing people passed out. 
  • The Mise En Scene is typically bold colours and a house location, to the amount of alcohol. This suggests it's a teenager to young adult party. 
  • The Andrew Goodwin theory is used on both videos, the visuals and lyrics match both of the videos at certain parts. Example: "How'd I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe." We see Lady Gaga taking her top off.  "Fill up my cups (Drank)" We see the cups being filled up. This shows that although it isn't bluntly shown, the theory is obviously used in the videos.
Brief On The Conventions Of The House Party Music Video

Looking at both videos, and then summarising all of the similarities I can see from the video, to achieve the house party look we should follow the same method as the two artists do. We should definitely achieve the camera angles to make sure audiences are aware that the artist is the important person, we should also create a story line to match with the song, as we can see clear story lines with both Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas video.